5 Reasons to Survey your Land Before you install a Fence.

  1. Avoid Encroachments and Disputes

Securing a land survey before building a fence is crucial in avoiding potential property line disputes and encroachments. Ambiguous or undefined boundaries can become breeding grounds for conflicts with neighbors, leading to strained relations and potential legal issues. By investing in a professional land survey, you proactively establish clear property lines, identify potential encroachments, and mitigate the risk of unintentional boundary violations. It's a simple step that promotes good relations with neighbors and protects your property value, making your fence construction process smoother and hassle-free.

2. Locate Interests such as Right of Ways, Easements and Covenants

Its not always enough to just know where the property lines are. Inside your boundary lines there may be easements and right of ways. These charges may hold certain restrictions on the use of the land. If you construct a fence on such a charge, the owner of that charge may have the right to remove the fence without your knowledge or consent. Its best to discuss with your land surveyor about the location and restrictions of easements, rights of Ways and Covenants.

3. Accuracy

Relying on found pins or existing structures without a recent land survey is risky business.

  • There is no guarantee that the old fence posts are in the correct location. Did the previous owner provide you with a survey?

  • Pins found may have been disturbed or may represent something other that the property corner, such as an offset from the property corner or a right of way.

It is all too common that we are called to survey a boundary where a neighbor has already constructed an expensive fence, only to find out later that their new fence is on our client's side! A land survey will accurately mark out the property line so you can rest with peace of mind, knowing that there are no encroachments.

4. Simplify Complex Lot Layouts

Not every lot is a straightforward rectangle, making it challenging to visualize its true shape. For instance, a lot in a Cul-De-Sac may feature curves and side property lines running at angles. A land survey simplifies the process by providing a clear visualization of the lot lines. Setting markers along these lines not only ensures accuracy but also saves you considerable time during fence construction. This way, you can confidently navigate the unique contours of your property, ensuring that your fence aligns precisely with the actual boundaries.

5. Peace of mind

Armed with the insights from a land survey, you have the knowledge and tools to ensure your fence is constructed precisely where you want it. This not only eliminates concerns about future expenses or complications related to moving the fence but also provides a sense of confidence that your construction decisions align accurately with your property boundaries.

Request a Fast and Free Quote for a Property Line Survey.